Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Chilean suitors - they're everywhere!

I had a couple funny incidents with Chilean guys. I had heard from co-workers that Chileans where supposed to be shy (at least compared to seductive Argentinean neighbors), but apparently not.

When I was in Conce for the first time and didn’t know anyone, I went to a classical music concert. Instead of sitting next to someone my age, I had to go sit next to this 45-year-old guy – we’ll call him Peter Pettigrew due to his uncanny resemblance – with whom I engaged in conversation. He was nice and worked for the same company I did and I guess he mistook my normal friendliness for something else because he started emailing the work email the following morning asking to meet up again. With really weird emails. And a lot of dot dot dots, like if he was sighing while writing about music and the coincidences in life… Hmmm. Well, after some carefully-crafted emails from my part and then ignoring his emails altogether Peter got the message and stopped.

After that, I was in Santiago eating at a restaurant, minding my own business without paying attention to anything but the food, when someone taps my shoulder. I turn and this short guy hands me a flower (a rose maybe?) made with a wrinkled and greasy paper napkin – it had leaves and everything! He also gave me a second wrinkled napkin with his email (one of those emails you wouldn’t use with your employer). I stood there with the two pieces of napkin in my hands and a stunned expression on my face of WTF, and he says “Un regalo para ti… a present” (so he thought I spoke English), and then left immediately, looking at the floor all the time. It was very brave of him to have done that, to be honest!!

From these two examples came tons of joke and other funny stories of the sort that happened to Carolina and me.

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