Sunday, April 10, 2011

Halfway there!

Something interesting that happened the last week of classes: a guy proposed to a girl in class! So it was the last day of our FNH 355 class, and everyone was there (like 350 people?) and the prof was like, oh my god i'm so excited. no one leave at the end, ok? there is something really special happening!!
So the lecture went on as normal, but she finished 15 minutes earlier than usual, and then she started a slide presentation with music and pictures of this korean girl drinking tea and doing 'cute' stuff. And then a guy in a suit came out of the door at the bottom of the lecture hall, like 30 seconds before the end of the video, and he said like, [whateverthegirl's name was] can you stand up please? OHHAAHHH!! everyone woot wooting!

Anyway, everyone was going crazy, and the girl came down the steps and then the guy proposed in english (so that the audience, us, would get what he was saying) and in korean saying something like, I only follow Jesus in this life, do you want to follow him with me? or something like that. And she said yes. I mean it was a bit of pressure, imagine if she had said no in front of all those people. But it was a great show! For us. 

I had my first (almost) all-nighter the night before the last day of classes. I was writing two term papers that were due on Thursday so sleeping was not an option (I slept for 30 minutes, which was a BIG mistake). Here at UBC we have the AMS-organized Block Party, which happens the last day of classes and EVERYONE loves. I didn't go last year, but I did go this year. I hate to say this but I didn't have THAT much fun, but I think it was because I was not in the mood, it was cold and I had headache.

BUT YEYYYYY!! I'm done with my SECOND YEAR OF UNIVERSITY!!!! Now exam time, and then Chile and Singapore here I come :D

One exciting thing I'm looking forward to before I leave is Camilo The Magician!!! This deserves a post on its own, I'll talk more about it later.

Oh yes, and here is UBC LIPDUB! I appear for 0.5 seconds. I'm so glad UBC has a lipdub now and that I'm part of it.

I was disappointed by the video when I first saw it, but it gets better every time you watch it. And after 1.5 days it has like 80 thousand views. Some things I didn't like: the girl at the beginning (this is a reference to the Old Spice commercial), the length of the clip, the use of two songs (should've been just Pink, with more people in less space so it didn't look as empty as it did), more lip synching with more focus on individual people.  But overall it's good!!

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