Monday, February 14, 2011

Message in a bottle

If I lived by the ocean I'd be up for messaging with bottles, but since that's not the case, I decided I will start a small project to send random messages to the world using money bills. Today Kia got a 10 dollar bill back as change and on it she found a message hand-written with pink ink: 'Wonder where this bill has been? Go to and register this bill's location!' So we did, and it's an amazing thing! You basically log in, write the serial number of the bill and the postal code where you got it. Then you can see all the places that bill has been, how many days it took to get to the location where you found it, and the speed of the bill. Our bill was quite the runner. It moved 37km in two days! I will write that message on all the 10 dollar bills I find, so everybody registers their bills.

4 summers ago, when I was in Florence with Caro, Vallie and Adrie, we threw a couple paper airplanes from the top of the torrazzo. We had written a message, but we forget what it said. We left our emails and signed it with semi-aliases (Adrian = Adria, Valeria = Val, Carolina = Carlos, Olivia = Bob. I must say, mine was the most original semi-alias hehe...) On January 23rd (Adria's b'day!), 6 months later, we received the following email:

Adria, Val, Carlos and Bob,

  Howdy. My name is Dan and I'm from Santa Barbara, California. I was backpacking Europe this summer and found a paper airplane on the ground with "Read me" written all over it. Inside was your addresses and names. Apparently you chucked it off the roof of Giorro's Tower at 10:13am on 22/07/07, about 2 minutes before I found it.

..and you thought you'd never hear about it again.

 Sorry for the delay. I placed the not in my backpack and then my pack was stored away until recently. I like this sort of thing, so I thought it would be fun to say hello.


 Well isn't that nice... So I want to start writing quotes and messages and funny stuff on bills, because I'd love to get a bill with something that would make me smile. I'll think more about how to solidify this project but it's just an idea.


  1. Ovilinaaaa que padre historia, que buen blog tienes, jeje
    TE seguire de cercaaa o.O

  2. This is really cool and interesting. I will definitely try this too :P
