Thursday, February 10, 2011

Little things we should appreciate

Nick-o just sent me a link to one of her 'favourite things to read'. It's a Blog called 'Little Things. A list of all the simple things we should appreciate'. I checked it out because the things Knickers sends are always good (you know? one of those people that have really good links to unknown blogs or webpages, which you end up Bookmarking in your browser..). Well, she didn't disappoint me this time either.

I really liked the little things blog! It's a collection of little things we should appreciate in life, and it's put together by this 15-year old in the States. People submit their suggestions and then she posts some of them. I liked the blog not only because all the things are quite funny and definitely appreciable, but because I got this amazing feeling reading all the little things people of all ages, from all over the world, write about, and seeing that I can really relate to each and every single one of those posts. I felt more connected to the rest of the world through the little things, if that makes sense. Some of my favourite little things that other people wrote:
240. Remembering the stories about how you met someone
234. Crossing things off your to-do list
172. Long-lasting nail polish
168. Free stuff
157. NICKNAMES!! (I looove nicknames)
131. Waking up and realizing you have more time to sleep
82. The cold side of the pillow
51. People who remember you after meeting you only once
40. Waking up with perfect hair

And some of the little things I appreciate are listed below. I submitted some of these, and will also write a post for some of them 'cause I have many things to say about them too :)
1. Post-its that don't fall off the wall
2. Camping in your own living room
3. Coming home at night to a 'Supper's ready!'
4. Staring into space
5. When someone bakes you a cake
6. Handmade gifts
7. Hearing stories of black parents that had a white baby or viceversa
8. Being pampered while sick
9. Loosing a pen but finding another one on the floor right away
10. Communicating through a wall with your roommate
11. When your sibling understands EXACTLY what you're thinking
12. Getting a good TA in a course
13. Reading in the car
14. Writing Santa a letter and getting a reply
15. Days when your handwriting is better than others
16. Red hair
17. Finding the perfect perfume
18. When there are two rainbows in the sky
19. Having 5 consecutive meaningful emails in your inbox
20. Having 0 unread emails in your mailbox after some arduous inbox-cleaning
21. People that reply to text messages immediately


  1. YES! Brent <3 and Patrick from econ101 and Andres from stats
    21. is for you (your phone is literally stuck to your hand now)
