Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cachai?? Sipo!

July 15th, 2011

My last month in Conce, as us locals refer to it (haha), was great!! I was staying at yet another apart hotel (Aurelio, which came after LaFayette, Germania, Dreams, and before Eurotel), going to some fun classes at the gym and meeting people. It’s so funny how networks and connections form, how friendships unravel thanks to mutual acquaintances and coincidences. The friends I made were usually friends of friends. Or I just met them randomly, like this one guy I met at a supermarket (he turned out to be a douche in the end). For example, Edgardo was Andrea’s acquaintance, which in turn was Valentina’s (my roomie in The Van) friend from a one-month camp in Brazil four years ago.

Some things I took note of this last month:

- One of the best things I got from Chile was WWW.CUEVANA.TV. I truly feel like I found a treasure!! Caro my sister thought the same when I showed it to her. And I have no idea why people in Mexico or Canada do not know about this. It’s an incredible website where you basically download a plugin for your web browser and you’re good to go: you can have access to thousands of movies and TV series, all with great quality and no time limits. Could wasting time get any easier?
Also, I became obsessed with a movie, Mr Nobody. It's a mash-up of science fiction, parallel realities and futuristic drama, all with a fantastic soundtrack. Definitely in my Top 10.

- Going to a casino as a poor student CAN be fun if a) you have a lot of luck, b) know what you’re doing so that you get all your money back and leave with either the same amount or more money, or c) find a partner to spend all night walking and running around the casino while the other friends are having fun at the DJs concert which you couldn’t afford. The night we went there, Oliver (the cutest and most amazing guy in Chile) and I stayed roaming around the casino till 5ish am waiting for the others to come out. It’s impressive how some people were making big bucks playing with those machines (but we have no indication of how much money they had lost). When I’m 21 I’m going to Vegas with Talis!

- Pisco sour, the delicious drink I mentioned before, may contain egg whites! Ewww. This version of the recipe uses eggs for consistency, but after witnessing the preparation I felt I was drinking a protein shake…

- Plan ahead when you’re thinking of going to the beach. So yeah, I will be going to the beach in a week, and it’s too late to go on a diet NOW. So I will look like a cow in bikini

- Good-bye parties and gatherings are really wonderful. And writing good-bye notes and letters is something basic; I cannot leave a place without writing everyone a note. I had a couple good-bye events with different people, and at the office I had two. We had a hot chocolate and pastries good-bye breakfast, and we also went to dance to a Tex Mex restaurant called Tijuana. We had Mexican food and I must say dancing with my co-workers till 3 am was something we should have done more often.

View of la desembocadura del BiobĂ­o, the widest river in Chile. I went with Carola the last week in Conce.

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